Natural Disasters

  1. 2. uncontrolled fire that happens in a wilderness (forest, bush.
  2. 3. strong winds with a lot of snow
  3. 7. when it erupts, lava and hot rocks pour down the mountain, ash rises in the air
  4. 8. high waves that hit the coast, destroy houses, kill people..
  5. 9. rivers overflow that banks and flood the areas that is usually dry.
  1. 1. disease affects a lot of people (flu, Plague, yellow fever, AIDS, malaria)
  2. 4. a mass of snow, ice, and rocks that slide down the mountain and buries everything underneath
  3. 5. a long period of month or years when a region doesn't have any rain. People can die of hunger when this happens
  4. 6. a huge amount of stones, mud, soil that slides down and destroy everything underneath