Natural disasters and Weather

  1. 1. Hurricane like storm but located in the South Pacific and Indian Ocean.
  2. 3. Giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between the air, clouds, or the ground. Usually seen in thunderstorms.
  3. 6. loud crack to a low rumble sound caused by lightning. Usually heard in any type of storm that contains lightning.
  4. 7. shortage of water supply, surface water and ground water, and atmospheric weather.
  5. 11. A chunk of land that break off a hill or mountain and falls down it.
  6. 12. Sudden, very heavy rainfall, usually located in nature and of brief duration.
  7. 14. uncontrolled fire in rural areas of vegetation.
  8. 16. A large fire that generates and is fed by strong in rushing winds from each side of it.
  9. 17. slab of snow that slides down a steeper slope(Mountain)
  10. 18. Overflow of water covers land. Usually caused by Tsunamis or heavy rain.
  11. 19. a severe snow storm
  1. 2. The shaking on earths surface. Can cause building to collapse is shaking is strong enough.
  2. 4. Hurricane like storm but located in the Northwestern Pacific ocean
  3. 5. very rapid to extreme rapid flow of mud and debris from a slope.
  4. 6. disturbance in that atmosphere, usually contains wind, rain, lightning, thunder, sometimes even snow or hail.
  5. 8. Slang word for Tornado
  6. 9. has and "eye in the middle of it. located in the Atlantic ocean and Northeastern Pacific ocean.
  7. 10. a long series of HUGE waves usually 10 meters tall or more
  8. 13. A rotating, funnel shaped cloud that picks up lots of debris.
  9. 15. An opening in the earths crust that has warm lava and magma inside is. Can erupt anytime.