natural disasters by Bianca

  1. 5. eruptions: explosion of things such as lava from a type of mountain.
  2. 8. storm: occurs in winter with lots of rain, snow and sleet.
  3. 10. strikes: natural discharge from a cloud with high voltage amounts often hitting the earth and damaging with things like fire.
  4. 12. large mass of ice detached from a glacier and has been carried out to sea.
  5. 13. mud and other earthy materials that fall down a hillside or other slopes.
  6. 14. tornadoes: start as smoke, when intense heat and wind conditions kick in it turns to a flame.
  7. 15. overflow of water or much more water than normal.
  8. 16. whirling tornado of air and water, there are 2 types, one that starts on land and moves to water and another that hardly moves.
  9. 20. hole in the round caused by water erosion.
  10. 21. process in which fertile land becomes a desert.
  11. 22. moving, destructive vortex with high twisting wind speeds looking funnel shaped.
  12. 25. collapse of rock or earth sliding down a cliff or mountain.
  13. 27. system of winds rotating inward.
  14. 28. time of severely low rainfall leading to shortage of water.
  15. 30. shower: once a year many small bodies of space matter enter the earth's atmosphere, they appear as a streaking light.
  1. 1. tropical storm in Indian or Western Pacific oceans.
  2. 2. eruption: when a lake releases a large amount of carbon dioxide, it is very rare and suffocates livestock, wildlife and humans.
  3. 3. storm with violent wind.
  4. 4. explosion in the air usually results from meteors.
  5. 6. sudden violent shaking of earth due to underground movement.
  6. 7. large damaging fire that spreads quickly, especially over bush and woodland.
  7. 9. wave: very large oceanic wave caused by earthquake.
  8. 11. permafrost: heat frozen methane builds up so much pressure that it explodes forming craters, found mainly in Siberia.
  9. 17. strong wind that carries sand clouds along with it.
  10. 18. storm with heavy frozen water pellets.
  11. 19. destructive flow of volcanic matter on the slope of a volcano.
  12. 23. mass of frozen water falling down mountainside.
  13. 24. severe snowstorm with high wind speeds.
  14. 26. long, high wave from the sea often caused by an earthquake.
  15. 29. wave: prolonged time of abnormally hot weather.