  1. 2. is a very fast and violent wind also known as twister or whirlwind and is formed when a warm wind meets a cold wind and they twist around creating a funnel.
  2. 3. is a movement of the land which can be caused by heavy rains or an earthquake.
  3. 5. is a huge movement of snow or ice with destroying power.
  4. 7. is when a large area of is destroyed usually during hot, dry summers, or by lightning, or even by people.
  5. 10. a sudden violent movement of the ground causing damage.
  1. 1. is when a mountain errupts and hot lava, gasses and ash cover the large area of land.
  2. 4. is the situation when people die because there is not enough food.
  3. 6. a long period without rain which often causes famine.
  4. 7. too much rain in a short period of time that may cause a damage.
  5. 8. or earthquake that destroys everything when it reaches land.
  6. 9. also called tidal wave is a huge ocean wave that is caused by a
  7. 11. is a very violent storm also known as typhoon and is usually accompanied with heavy rain.