Natural Disasters

  1. 1. Something that comes from a fire.
  2. 3. Strong tropical winds.
  3. 7. A word that means something really bad.
  4. 11. waves Really big waves.
  5. 12. Something that comes after thunder.
  6. 14. Something that comes out of a volcano.
  7. 15. Really, really strong winds.
  8. 16. Another name for Tornadoes.
  9. 17. wave Really hot temperatues.
  10. 18. Hot lava.
  1. 1. Lots of water.
  2. 2. Strong winds.
  3. 4. A flash.
  4. 5. Crumbing earth.
  5. 6. Really dry.
  6. 8. Strong blasts of winds.
  7. 9. Something that can burn you.
  8. 10. A large snow slide.
  9. 13. Big chunks of ice.
  10. 19. slide Moving land.