Natural Disasters

  1. 5. / it was a natural _________
  2. 7. a mountain that spous lava
  3. 8. / Another word for die
  4. 9. complete the sentenced: cars drive on _________
  5. 10. / complete sentence: a disaster can create _______
  6. 11. Comlplete the sentence: we are all ________ (in Afrikaans die mense)
  7. 13. / a huge wave that forms out at sea and destroys land when comes back into shore
  8. 16. / complete the sentence: many ________ were lost
  9. 19. A huge wind that forms a circle
  10. 20. it is a mixture of rain, lighting, thunder we call it a ______
  1. 1. / we live in them (plural)
  2. 2. / how many people died in this tragic disaster
  3. 3. / when we are sad we are __________
  4. 4. we have ___________ schools
  5. 6. when a certain part of earth splits apart
  6. 12. sandy / our current topic
  7. 14. York/ where the two twin buildings crashed
  8. 15. complete this sentence : a mint of _________
  9. 17. we buy clothes from there (plural)
  10. 18. complete the sentence : ________ tree (plural)