Natural Disasterssss

  1. 2. Deforestation can lead to...
  2. 4. In stormy weather the sky makes a grumbling sound, what is it?
  3. 7. When the ground shakes it is called an...
  4. 9. A flash of light that shows in stormy weather.
  5. 10. The indent from a asteroid
  6. 11. One of the things that was thought to kill dinosaurs.
  7. 12. Leaving because it's not safe.
  8. 14. Not having a place to stay.
  9. 15. In America they call it a wild fire, what do they call it in Australia?
  1. 1. What comes before Catastrophic (used to be Code Red)
  2. 3. Lack of water can lead to...
  3. 4. A giant wave.
  4. 5. When these haven't been active for thousands of years, they are called mountains.
  5. 6. When temperatures are humid for a long period of time it is called a...
  6. 8. What floats up off a fire in tiny little flakes.
  7. 13. Water that circles in the ocean.