Natural Environment

  1. 3. slow downhill movement of soil
  2. 5. The distance over which wind has blown to form a wave
  3. 7. caused by waves picking up material which is forced against the cliff face wearing it away
  4. 10. waves break against cliff face and pressure of the breaking wave compresses air in cracks
  5. 14. the strength of an earthquake, reflecting the amount of energy released.
  6. 15. where stones and pebbles in the sea knock against each other causing them to become smoother and rounded
  7. 16. the place where one tectonic plate sinks below another.
  8. 17. a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment and their impact on climate change
  9. 19. a sudden and often violent shaking of the earth's crust due to the release of energy in the form of seismic waves
  10. 20. erosion at base of cliff may lead to rotational slipping of cliff above
  1. 1. marks the edge of a drainage basin
  2. 2. an opening in the earth's crust through which lava, gas and ash erupts
  3. 4. the point at which a smaller river joins the main river
  4. 6. Disposal of rubbish by burying it and covering it over with soil
  5. 8. domestic appliances such as washing machines and fridges
  6. 9. Destruction by burning, e.g. of waste materials
  7. 11. A wealthy society in which people tend to dispose of goods once they are finished with
  8. 12. this is the point on the surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
  9. 13. occurs where salt water is able to dissolves some of minerals in the rock
  10. 18. Processing waste materials so that they can be used again