Natural Hazard Project

  1. 5. widespread,long lived,straight lined wind storm.
  2. 7. when up drafts are balanced by down drafts.
  3. 9. result of localized convection in an unstable air mass.
  4. 12. occur along the boundaries of weather fronts (e.g coldfront).
  5. 15. thunderstorm which produces hail that reaches the ground.
  6. 16. visible mass of condensed water vapour floating in the atmosphere,typically high above ground.
  7. 17. prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which maybe accompanied by high humidity.
  8. 19. occurance of a natural electrical discharge of very shortduration and high voltage.
  1. 1. rapidly rotating storm system characterised by a low pressure system,strong winds and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorm that produce heavy rain.
  2. 2. action of warm air rising and cold air sinking.
  3. 3. area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same direction as earth.
  4. 4. condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visiblyin seperate drops.
  5. 6. disturbed state of an astronomical body's atmosphere especially affecting it's surfcace.
  6. 8. caused by air that is forced up by a mountain or hillside.
  7. 10. violentily rotating column of air.
  8. 11. intense column or vortex that occurs over a body of water.
  9. 12. collection of liquid water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air or near the earths surface.
  10. 13. of frozen rain.
  11. 14. line of thunderstorms that can form along or ahead of a cold front.
  12. 18. very localised column of sinking air.