natural hazards

  1. 1. a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
  2. 3. the amount of moisture in the air
  3. 8. the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain
  4. 11. a loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air.
  5. 12. a storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail.
  6. 14. the layer of gases surrounding Earth
  7. 16. a long period of unusually dry weather
  8. 17. an instrument for measuring temperature
  9. 18. the process where water vapour becomes liquid
  1. 2. pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds
  2. 4. the kind of weather experienced by a place over a long period
  3. 5. the branch of science concerned with the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere, especially as a means of forecasting the weather
  4. 6. a severe snowstorm with high winds.
  5. 7. a fire in scrub or a forest, especially one that spreads rapidly
  6. 9. an overflow of water that covers land that is usually dry
  7. 10. vapour, water in the form of gas
  8. 13. a series of waves caused by earthquakes or undersea volcanic eruptions
  9. 14. pressure, the downward force caused by the weight of the air pressing on the surface of Earth
  10. 15. a tropical storm over the north Atlantic ocean, the Caribbean sea, the Gulf of Mexico, or the Northeast Pacific Ocean
  11. 19. to change from liquid into vapour