Natural Hazards

  1. 2. - is any object, situation or behaviour that can cause injury, illness or damage to property or the environment
  2. 5. Richter scale- measures the magnitude of a tremor (how powerful it is) using an instrument called a seismometer
  3. 8. - When gravity acts on the air, the air exerts a force upon the earth.
  4. 9. the point within the Earth where an earthquake rupture starts
  5. 13. core - made of solid metal
  6. 14. - massive rocks that make up the outer layer of the Earth’s surface and whose movement along faults triggers earthquakes
  7. 15. core - made of very hot molten metal.
  1. 1. - A fracture in the rocks that make up the Earth’s crust.
  2. 3. - how susceptible are people to the damage caused by the natural hazard.
  3. 4. hazards - is the threat of a naturally occurring event that will have a negative effect on people and/or the natural environment. For example Earthquakes and forest fires. A natural event that can cause social and economic impacts.
  4. 6. - the point at the surface of the Earth directly above the focus
  5. 7. Waves - are caused by the sudden movement of materials within the Earth, such as slip along a fault during an earthquake.
  6. 10. - the layer of molten rock on which the crust floats.
  7. 11. - the outer layer of the Earth made up of the solidified rocky plates
  8. 12. - Human interpretation of a major event causing widespread disruption on a significant scale.