Natural Hazards Terms

  1. 2. Used to describe thick and sticky substance. Lava from composite volcanoes.
  2. 5. This force causes winds to bend and storms to spin due to the curvature of the Earth.
  3. 6. A shallow-sided volcano. A piece of protective armour often used by knights.
  4. 7. Name for tropical storms in North America and the Caribbean.
  5. 10. Relating to the atmosphere.
  6. 15. Finely pulverised lava emitted in a volcanic eruption.
  7. 16. A basin/depression that results from the collapse of a centre of a volcano.
  8. 18. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
  9. 19. An extremely large wave that produced by an underwater earthquake.
  10. 20. One of the Three Ps. The act of foretelling the future.
  11. 21. One of two earthquake scales, this one measuring the size.
  12. 22. The part of the Earth that sits below the crust.
  13. 23. The circular centre of a tropical storm.
  1. 1. A large astronomical body that provides energy into the atmosphere.
  2. 3. An effect/response that happens over a period of time. Next after the first in order.
  3. 4. When lava erupts from the ground instead of a volcano. A narrow opening.
  4. 8. A plate margin where two plates rub past each other. A UK political party.
  5. 9. Alternate name for lava before it reaches the surface.
  6. 11. Type of current previously though to move the plates. Transfer of heat by circulation.
  7. 12. A period of strong, sustained surface wind.
  8. 13. A type of tectonic plate that is thin and dense. Related to the ocean.
  9. 14. The point on the surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
  10. 17. Used to describe the size of an event.
  11. 20. An effect or response that happens immediately after an event. Describes red, blue and yellow.