  1. 2. A system of winds rotating clockwise of anticlockwise.
  2. 3. Impairment of the normal state or functioning of the body.
  3. 6. Serve offshore storm.
  4. 10. Uncontrollable shaking of the ground.
  5. 14. Fragments of broken buildings.
  6. 15. To be alerted of something dangerous.
  7. 16. Rapid slipping of large amounts of earth.
  8. 17. Antarctica's weather is commonly like this
  9. 18. The humid, hot and rainy season in Queensland
  10. 20. Extreme heat consisting over a long period of time.
  11. 21. When thunder, lightening and rain all come together.
  12. 24. Queensland endures a lot of this.
  13. 25. The outer layer of the earth.
  14. 26. When there is no water in an area for a long period of time.
  15. 27. An out of control fire in an area of bush.
  16. 30. Centre of the earth.
  17. 31. An usually large sea wave.
  18. 33. When one thing can effect another.
  19. 34. The water that comes out of clouds.
  1. 1. All over the world.
  2. 2. Fall down.
  3. 3. A terrible event.
  4. 4. When they collide an earthquake is caused.
  5. 5. erosion of something.
  6. 7. There are over 23 million of us in Australia.
  7. 8. Process of destroying.
  8. 9. Polar bears live in it.
  9. 11. Australia's weather is commonly like this.
  10. 12. large amounts of snow sliding down mountain sides.
  11. 13. when they are strong objects can be blown away.
  12. 18. A Richter scale measures this.
  13. 19. The action or fact of dying or being killed.
  14. 22. Bits of ice falling from the sky.
  15. 23. The natural landscape that surrounds most people.
  16. 27. Sever winter storm.
  17. 28. An overflow of a large amount of water.
  18. 29. The normal part of something.
  19. 32. When ice bergs do thing, water levels rise.