Natural Landscapes 2

  1. 3. A type of weathering that allows the breakdown of rock through the action of chemicals
  2. 5. A flow of ash and mud down the side of a volcano
  3. 6. This agent of erosion removes smaller dry particles of soil creating dunes and deflation hollows
  4. 8. A disaster on Dec 24, 1953, caused by a lahar from the collapse of the Ruapehu crater lake
  5. 10. The leeward side of a mountain barrier which is much drier
  6. 11. A drainage pattern frequently found on the cone shapes volcanos.
  7. 12. Denudation processes are most active on these slopes
  8. 14. The desert that lies on the eastern side of Ruapehu
  9. 16. Rock created when the materials erupted from a volcano are welded together ny heat
  10. 18. This water feature is created when a river flows on resistant rock and then encounters softer rock
  11. 19. An agent of erosion created by moving ice
  12. 21. These processes operate below the surface of the crust
  13. 22. A type of rainfall created by a mountain barrier
  14. 23. Rock that easily Erodes such as sedimentary
  1. 1. An agent of erosion created by moving water
  2. 2. The breaking down of rock by physical chemical or biological means
  3. 4. A type of weathering where the rock is broken down by physical actions such as freezing.
  4. 7. Any processes that result in the wearing down of landforms altering the landform
  5. 9. The Te Reo name for White Island
  6. 13. A type of forest that extend up to 1000 meters ASL and contains trees such as Rimu and Miro.
  7. 15. A type of weathering that involves the actions of plants and animals
  8. 17. A glaciated valley below Mt Ngaruhoe
  9. 20. The direction slopes face