Natural Law

  1. 1. There are five of these precepts.
  2. 3. The virtue which means self control.
  3. 5. The number of tiers of law.
  4. 8. Aquinas said this is the overriding rule of moral behaviour.
  5. 10. There are three of these virtues.
  6. 11. Laws in the mind of God.
  7. 12. Moral rules can never be broken.
  8. 14. This person said that 'true law is right reason in agreement with nature'.
  9. 15. The doctrine where an unintended immoral side effect occurs as a result of a moral act.
  1. 2. Aquinas said that this kind of 'good' does not help to achieve fellowship with God.
  2. 4. There are four of these virtues.
  3. 6. Aquinas was inspired by this person's four causes.
  4. 7. Right reason.
  5. 8. These precepts are derived from the first five.
  6. 9. These goods lead to fellowship with God.
  7. 13. Aquinas believed the aim of life is to be what God meant us to be.