Natural Pesticides

  1. 1. Natural pesticide are more likely to cause ____ pollution
  2. 3. What do use to control fungi?
  3. 5. In pesticide the latin word "cide" means?
  4. 7. What types of pesticide is used to deter rodents?
  5. 9. What natural pesticide is often use to kill or repel pest in gardening for butterfly and caterpillars?
  6. 10. What adjective describes pesticides that are harmless to humans and animals?
  7. 12. ____ is synthetic chemical was first to be used as pesticide?
  1. 2. What do you use to repel pests?
  2. 4. What oil is commonly used as natural pesticide?
  3. 6. What is used to kill insects?
  4. 8. ____ is used as natural pesticide to control aphids,leaf,miners and mites?
  5. 11. Biopesticide are also called as ____ pesticide?