Natural Phenomena

  1. 1. WHERE IS THE SUN? Ok, I need to find a lamp, everything is dark now.
  2. 5. Better run, the wind is very strong
  3. 7. Run! Run! Water is coming!
  4. 9. Stronger than its cousin, very fast and strong winds
  5. 10. I forgot my umbrella :C
  1. 2. Your feet shake, you drop your glass of water that you were holding.
  2. 3. Your heart starts to beat fast, your eyes bright and you just want to go home, it's so dark and you can see strong lights!
  3. 4. We can build Olafs and angels on the floor!
  4. 6. It's colorful, beautiful and you can see some gold in the end.
  5. 8. Better find a high place, save your objects and put them on the top!