  1. 4. A windstorm that carries sand and dust.
  2. 5. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall resulting in a shortage of water.
  3. 7. A mass of snow, ice, and rock that slides down a mountainside.
  4. 10. A rotating column of water that forms over a body of water.
  5. 12. A large mass of ice that moves slowly over land.
  6. 16. A series of ocean waves caused by an earthquake, landslide, or other disturbance under the ocean.
  7. 17. A large piece of ice that breaks off from a glacier or ice shelf and floats in the ocean.
  8. 18. A storm with falling hailstones.
  9. 20. A prolonged period of excessively cold weather.
  10. 22. An uncontrolled fire in a natural area such as a forest, grassland, or prairie.
  11. 24. A prolonged period of excessively hot weather.
  12. 26. A depression or hole in the ground caused by the collapse of the surface layer.
  13. 30. Distant lightning that is too far away to hear the thunder.
  14. 32. A temporary overflow of water onto normally dry land.
  15. 33. A seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain.
  16. 34. A thin layer of ice that forms on surfaces at or below freezing temperatures.
  17. 35. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the shifting of tectonic plates.
  18. 38. The expansion of soil as it freezes, causing it to heave upward.
  1. 1. A severe snowstorm with strong winds and low visibility.
  2. 2. A large-scale atmospheric circulation system characterized by low pressure at its center.
  3. 3. The movement of rock, earth, or debris down a slope.
  4. 6. A tropical cyclone with winds of at least 74 mph that forms over warm waters and can cause extensive damage.
  5. 8. A mountain or hill with a vent or fissure through which lava, ash, and gases are ejected.
  6. 9. A sudden and intense burst of radiation from the sun's surface.
  7. 11. The Northern Lights, a natural light display in the sky in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
  8. 13. An astronomical event that occurs when one celestial object passes into the shadow of another.
  9. 14. The movement of a mass of mud or earth down a slope.
  10. 15. A storm that coats surfaces with a layer of ice.
  11. 19. A small body of matter from outer space that enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up.
  12. 21. A sudden discharge of electricity in the atmosphere.
  13. 23. A hot spring in which water intermittently boils, sending a tall column of water and steam into the air.
  14. 25. A natural light display in the sky, predominantly seen in the high-latitude regions.
  15. 27. A violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground and can cause widespread damage.
  16. 28. A small whirlwind or dust storm that forms in dry conditions.
  17. 29. A small, icy body that orbits the sun and has a tail of gas and dust.
  18. 31. A large ocean wave caused by the gravitational influence of the moon or sun.
  19. 36. An arc of colors in the sky caused by the refraction and dispersion of sunlight.
  20. 37. A storm with thunder, lightning, and heavy rain.