Natural remedies

  1. 4. Baking soda can help with____________ because it neutralises stomach acid.
  2. 6. If you have a _____________ throat, rinse it with a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in the glass of water.
  3. 8. Garlic has an unpleasant smell but it's good for your________ system.
  4. 10. _____________has a bad reputation because of its strong smell
  5. 12. If you lie in the sun all day long, you can get ___________.
  6. 13. There're many natural ____________ in the kitchen cupboard
  7. 14. __________ some baking soda in your shoes and have ordour-free feet all day long.
  8. 15. Natural remedies can ______ health problems.
  9. 17. Drinking chamomile tea can help soothe an upset___________.
  1. 1. __________ is great for minor cuts and itchy rashes
  2. 2. If you suffer from hay__________, use cold, wet tea bags.
  3. 3. A cool bath with vinegar can__________ your skin.
  4. 4. Honey can help you with__________________. Drink a glass of warm milk with honey before you go to bed.
  5. 5. Tea contains ____________ which can help cure itchy watery eyes.
  6. 7. You could chew a piece of ginger if you suffer from travel_________.
  7. 9. ___________can help if you have bad breath.
  8. 11. ____________ blood vessels can cause a headache.
  9. 13. _______ some skin cream on a spot to soothe it.
  10. 16. If you suffer from _________ eyes, put cold, wet tea bags on them.