Natural Resources

  1. 2. a type of rock that contains a mine-able amount of minerals
  2. 5. to conserve resources by using less energy
  3. 9. bendable or shape able
  4. 10. a strong, lightweight metal that is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust
  5. 13. a natural resource that is used and can be replaced in a relatively short amount of time
  6. 14. a concentrated area of specific minerals that have melted and separated into layers
  7. 17. small plant like organisms found in the ocean that are able to carry on photosynthesis
  8. 20. a holding area of water located behind a dam
  9. 21. a chemical produced from oil
  10. 22. a fossil fuel formed from plant material that was quickly buried and fossilized under great pressure
  11. 26. a liquid fossil fuel used to heat homes and produce electricity
  12. 27. an inorganic substance found naturally in the earth
  1. 1. a valuable metal that often indicates wealth
  2. 3. a piece of glacier, ice sheet, or ice shelf that breaks off into the ocean and floats independently
  3. 4. one of Earth's most valuable renewable resources
  4. 5. a factory that separates crude oil into products
  5. 6. gas a fossil fuel found in a gaseous state that is often found close to deposits of oil
  6. 7. renewable energy that uses heat from within the earth to produce steam
  7. 8. a mineral necessary to produce nuclear energy
  8. 11. term used to describe farmland that is unused or allowed to rest for a season or a year
  9. 12. energy that makes electricity by using the energy of running water
  10. 15. a natural resource that cannot be replaced easily
  11. 16. refers to all of earth's water
  12. 18. means to remove the salts and other minerals from water
  13. 19. to conserve resources by finding new ways to use a product
  14. 23. layers of sand, gravel, or bedrock that hold or move ground water
  15. 24. water vapor in the air
  16. 25. to conserve resources by turning product into other products