Natural Resources

  1. 2. urban pollution
  2. 4. Land is considered a _____ resource since it is something from Earth that living things use to meet needs
  3. 8. ______ energy can use the difference between high and low tides to help turn turbines to create electricity
  4. 11. Sun, wind, water, and geothermal energy are considered _____ energy resources since these resources can never run out
  5. 12. Using less water is one way to practice water conservation_______
  6. 13. A fuel is a substance that provides ____ as a result of a chemical change
  7. 15. The splitting of an atom's nucleus into two smaller nuclei is called ________
  8. 16. The energy generated by moving water in rivers is called _____ energy
  1. 1. Wood, leaves, and manure belong to a group of renewable energy sources called ____
  2. 3. Land that is set aside to protect if from environmental problems
  3. 5. Specific sources of pollution that can be identified are called ______
  4. 6. The three major fossil fuels are coal, oil, and ________
  5. 7. Fossil fuels are energy-rich because they contain _____
  6. 9. area where garbage is deposited and covered with soil
  7. 10. Wind energy is actually an indirect form of ____
  8. 14. Largest source of water pollution