Natural Resources

  1. 3. an unlimited amount.
  2. 4. A resource that never runs out.
  3. 5. The ability to do work. It comes in many forms like heat and electricity.
  4. 6. Something found in nature that can be used by people.
  5. 9. The process of saving natural resource by using it sparingly.
  6. 13. Natural substances found in the Earth.
  7. 14. A name given to group of energy sources found deep within the earth that are made from organic matter.
  1. 1. A resource that has a fixed amount and could run out.
  2. 2. A fossil fuel that is used to make gasoline for cars.
  3. 7. Having to do with the sun.
  4. 8. a limited amount.
  5. 10. A fossil fuel that is a gas, commonly used as a heat source in homes.
  6. 11. Power coming from water.
  7. 12. The process of getting natural resources out of the earth through a mine.