natural resources

  1. 5. formation of organic nitrogen from inorganic compounds
  2. 7. non-living components of nature
  3. 8. process that makes fossil fuels release carbon dioxide
  4. 14. gas present in 78% of the atmosphere
  5. 15. release of water vapour by plants
  6. 17. gases that are known for the greenhouse effect
  1. 1. change from liquid to vapour state
  2. 2. displacement of soil
  3. 3. energy transfer from the Sun to the earth
  4. 4. degradation into organic substances
  5. 6. layer of gas surrounding the earth
  6. 9. gas composed of three oxygen atoms
  7. 10. gas present in 21% of the atmosphere
  8. 11. process which leads to rain, hail, snow, etc.
  9. 12. contamination
  10. 13. all water bodies collectively is known as
  11. 16. life-sustaining process of intake and release of oxygen