Natural Resources

  1. 2. Decaying organic material, such as leaves, twigs, grass and animals
  2. 3. in the this type of logging operation only mature trees are removed
  3. 6. this method of mining uses a large hole that is dug for the purposes of extracting ore found near the earth's surface
  4. 7. When some seed bearing trees are left to reseed an area
  5. 8. used to recover deep mineral deposits
  6. 10. this source of energy requires water to rise and fall in the ocean
  7. 11. this is known as using an item that was used by someone else when they no longer want the item
  8. 13. neither purchasing or producing an item, in the first place
  9. 17. these are used in the construction industry
  10. 18. when refined, these yield a group of materials that we know as metals
  11. 20. this source of energy requires the splitting of atoms
  12. 21. these are resources that do no fit into the other three categories
  13. 24. water leaking from a landfill
  14. 25. Takes place in the warmer months and comprises the majority of the labour force in fishing
  15. 28. this source of energy requires moving air
  16. 29. resources that are limited and cannot be replaced once used up
  17. 30. this occurs when pollution from nutrient runoff from animal waste, fertilizer use and urban runoff end up in lakes/rivers
  18. 31. this occurs when an item is destroyed when it is no longer needed, but the material in the item is recovered for reuse
  19. 32. When every tree is removed and a barren landscape is left behind
  1. 1. this is also known as the "fear of missing out" on something
  2. 4. this type of farming requires large areas of land and small amounts of labour
  3. 5. the number of days during which crops can ripen
  4. 9. these are resources that are replaced by natural actions and must be used when and where they occur or they will be lost
  5. 12. this type of fishery if operated by large companies and occurs year round
  6. 14. this is the movement of water into the atmosphere from the soil in the plants
  7. 15. this source of energy involves burning natural products or waste
  8. 16. these are naturally occurring, pure, non-living, substances found in rock
  9. 19. these are minerals that are burned to produce energy
  10. 22. This method of mining is used to recover mineral deposits located near the surface of the earth
  11. 23. these are resources that can be regenerated if used carefully
  12. 25. this type of farming is often located near large urban areas and produces food for the nearby population
  13. 26. When companies prey on consumer morals by slapping vague terms on products like "natural" or "green
  14. 27. this marketing technique is used by exposing you to a higher price, for an item, first and then you see a lower price for the same item