Natural resources

  1. 4. the topmost layer of the soil.
  2. 8. fixing of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds.
  3. 9. conversion of water vapour to liquid.
  4. 10. movement of air from one region to another.
  5. 14. form of nitrogen which can be used up by plants
  6. 15. cycle An constant interaction between biotic and a biotic components of the atmosphere which creates a dynamic but a stable system
  7. 16. conversion of nitrogen compounds from dead and decaying organisms into ammonia.
  8. 18. presence of high level of pollutants which reduces visibilty.
  9. 19. substance released by plants during photosynthesis for performing various activities
  10. 20. increase in content of these harmful gases in the atmosphere which slow down the release of heat leads to a process.
  11. 21. gas which depletes ozone layer.
  12. 23. presence of harmful substance in the air
  13. 25. chemical compounds having hydrogen and carbon
  1. 1. converts atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia.
  2. 2. precipitation which occurs with the addition of nitrogen and sulphur components.
  3. 3. the harmful radiations from sun which the ozone layer protects from reaching us.
  4. 5. at night both land and sea starts to cool. since water cools down slower than the land the air above water would be warmer than the air above land.
  5. 6. the process by which plants make their food.
  6. 7. three atoms of oxygen
  7. 11. gas present in atmosphere with 78% abundance0
  8. 12. the process by which fine particles of soil maybe carried away by mostly flowing water or wind.
  9. 13. nitrifying bacteria which helps in nitrogen fixation.
  10. 17. loss of water vapour by plants
  11. 22. blanket covering the earth.
  12. 24. the outer crust of the earth.