Natural Resources

  1. 3. this is a measure of the quality of life in different countries
  2. 6. the number of years the average person will live in a country
  3. 8. countries with not a lot of money or technology
  4. 9. one way to reduce resource consumption is to use this rather than each person driving their own vehicles
  5. 12. governments can make these to try and limit the amount of pollution that businesses can make
  6. 14. this approach to resource use involves people using whatever resources meet their needs and wants
  7. 15. the amount of resources each person consumes is called this ind of footprint
  8. 19. these types of costs are things like people getting sick from pollution
  9. 22. create green spaces in cities on the tops of buildings for growing food and cooling buildings
  10. 25. a teaching that Indigenous people use to guide decisions about resource use
  11. 27. resources that are gone after they are used they take millions of years to grow back
  12. 28. one way people can use less resources is to buy products that have less of this
  13. 29. these are often destroyed when humans are extracting resources from the environment leaving animals with fewer places to live
  14. 30. the amount of money people make in a country
  1. 1. resources that are replaced by natural actions like sunlight wind or moving water
  2. 2. cutting down lots of trees to use the wood as a resource is called this
  3. 4. these types of costs are things like habitat destruction and pollution
  4. 5. altered seasonal weather patterns as a result of human activities leads to this kind of change
  5. 7. this approach to resource use means using them wisely so they last a long time
  6. 8. overusing soil and exposing it to too much sunlight leads to this
  7. 10. these types of products need resources from all over the word to produce and manufacture
  8. 11. this type of energy is created by capturing the sun's rays
  9. 13. this approach to resource use says that resources should be set aside and protected
  10. 16. this is a measure of how many people can read and do simple math in a country
  11. 17. materials in the natural environment that humans can use to meet needs and wants
  12. 18. places protected by the United Nations around the world that are considered to be important for everyone
  13. 20. doing this with crops ensures that soil will not lose all its nutrients
  14. 21. these are large areas of land protected from development and regulating how land can be used
  15. 23. using resources in a way that there will be some left for future generations
  16. 24. resources that grow back or renew themselves over time
  17. 26. countries with lots of wealth and technology