Natural Resources

  1. 1. this natural resource does not run out, but birds make it difficult for human to use it
  2. 6. an important gas in the atmosphere that protects Earth's surface from dangerous sun rays
  3. 7. this natural resource is used by humans for food
  4. 8. process that removes salt from water so that humans can drink it
  5. 10. the number of births per 1,000 individuals in an area over a certain amount of time
  6. 12. we can use this word to describe resources that are not easily found in nature
  7. 13. examples of these are coal and oil
  8. 15. we are practicing this when we don't use single use plastics
  9. 17. the number of individuals in a particular area
  1. 2. this type of resource is not something that can be recreated or reused in our lifetime; oil is an example of this
  2. 3. this prefix refers to the land and rocks on Earth
  3. 4. these natural resources produce lumber and paper for people
  4. 5. this is a natural resource that we use; its atomic symbol is Au
  5. 9. when we burn fossil fuels our climate does this
  6. 11. there are 7.5 _______________people on Earth
  7. 14. this chemical of life is created when two hydrogen atoms bond with one oxygen atom
  8. 15. this element has the atomic symbol Ca
  9. 16. this type of resource is able to be used and replenished in a short amount of time