Natural Resources

  1. 3. A renewable resource that will not run out ever
  2. 5. Radiant light that can be used for energy
  3. 6. (Second Word of Down 12) Something living things use to survive
  4. 8. These can be wild, domestic, or raised for food
  5. 10. Liquid product made from oil, used in cars.
  6. 14. Replaceable in our lifetime
  7. 16. Using a resource so it is never used up
  1. 1. Cannot be replaced in our lifetime
  2. 2. Coal and gas are examples of this type of fuel formed from dinosaur skeletons
  3. 4. Natural ____, mostly methane, made the same way as oil
  4. 7. Swamp plants under pressure for millions of years
  5. 9. A renewable resource that could run out
  6. 11. Liquid Fuel made of fossils of marine animals
  7. 12. (First Word of Across 6) Something living things use to survive
  8. 13. A renewable resource that is grown
  9. 15. The circulation of air that can be harnessed for energy