Natural Resources

  1. 1. able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
  2. 3. organisms which receive energy by consuming other organisms
  3. 5. a resource that is able to reproduce and will not run out
  4. 7. species that are at risk due to declining numbers in their population, and that can reasonable to expect to survive if immediate steps are taken to protect the remaining population
  5. 8. An animal which spends part of its life on land and part of its life in water.
  6. 9. a cold blood animal with scales, plates, or shields on its body and claws on its feet
  7. 11. Very close to becoming extinct
  8. 12. birds that have regular seasonal movement, often north and south along a flyway, between breeding and wintering grounds.
  9. 13. warm blooded animal that have bony skeletons, protective hair coats, and mammary glands that produce milk to nourish their offspring
  1. 2. a resource that is unable to be renewed and only has a fixed amount
  2. 4. a green plant that converts solar energy to starches and sugars
  3. 6. no longer existing due to the deaths of all the members of the population
  4. 10. a series of steps trough which energy from the sun is transferred to living organisms