Natural Resources

  1. 1. A source that cannot be replaced after use:
  2. 5. Energy harnessed from the force of the wind used to create electricity:
  3. 8. An instrument used for determining directions that uses a magnetic needle:
  4. 11. Feathers covering the body:
  5. 17. The number of animals that can be taken in one day or season:
  6. 18. The gaseous form of fossil fuels used in heating homes, cooking foods, and generating electricity:
  7. 20. A male wild turkey :
  8. 22. A source available in limited quantity that can be completely used; may be renewable or nonrenewable:
  9. 25. A fungal disease contracted by humans after inhaling fungal spores often encountered in old or abandoned bird or bat roosts, especially those that are outside or exposed to rain; in chicken coops; and in caves:
  10. 27. Energy from the sun used by mechanical solar systems to produce electricity or to capture the sun’s heat for the purpose of heating space or water:
  11. 29. Partially decayed vegetable matter that accumulates in bogs, where low oxygen levels and acidity inhibit decomposition:
  12. 30. Electric energy produced from biomass:
  13. 32. A disease that affects more than 70 species of domestic and wild birds, especially American crows, jays, hawks, and owls :
  14. 38. Grants exclusive rights to specified recreational activity on the land during the term of the agreement:
  15. 39. The number of days that a species can be hunted in one year:
  16. 41. A source that can be replaced naturally:
  17. 42. Extends from Canada to Mexico and accounts for about 27 percent of U.S. lumber; important commercial tree species are western white pine, ponderosa pine, and lodgepole pine
  18. 44. Fires that burn the organic materials beneath the surface litter of the forest floor:
  19. 45. The time of the year when it is legal to catch a particular species of fish:
  20. 46. The growth and change of unusually colored feathers :
  21. 47. Any combination of powder, shot, or bullets used in shotguns, rifles, or pistols:
  1. 2. A heavy object lowered into a body of water to prevent a boat from drifting:
  2. 3. A bacterial disease transmitted through the bite of the black-legged tick :
  3. 4. A fuel formed from the remains of dead plant and animal material deposited in a previous geologic time, typically millions of years ago:
  4. 6. A source that will not run out in the foreseeable future; e.g., sunlight, wind, geothermal energy:
  5. 7. Capturing wild fish from oceans and inland waters for use as human food and in making other products:
  6. 9. Using natural resources in such a way that the supply available is not reduced:
  7. 10. A form of hydropower in which electricity is generated through the turning of turbines by ocean tides:
  8. 12. Winds created by a forest fire
  9. 13. Tuft of modified or hairlike feathers protruding from the center of a gobbler’s chest :
  10. 14. A forest in which the species are voluntarily growing and are naturally present in the area
  11. 15. Species of animals that are hunted for food or sport:
  12. 16. A viral disease that attacks the nervous system of mammals :
  13. 19. Fire applied in a knowledgeable manner to forest fuels on a specific land area under selected weather conditions to accomplish predetermined, well-defined management objectives
  14. 21. A tool that propels a projectile by burning gun powder:
  15. 23. Ranges south from Delaware to Florida and west to Texas and Oklahoma; one of the most important timber producing areas in North America; important coniferous tree species include Virginia, longleaf, loblolly, shortleaf and slash pines
  16. 24. The time when the buildup of fuels and the occurrence of extended dry periods are greatest
  17. 25. Power in the form of electrical energy produced when the mechanical energy of moving water is transferred by a rotating turbine to a generator:
  18. 26. An area with a high density of trees
  19. 27. Capturing fish for relaxation and enjoyment:
  20. 28. An unwanted or unplanned fire burning in forests or wild land areas that threatens to destroy life, property, and/or natural resources:
  21. 31. The liquid form of fossil fuels used to make gasoline and oils:
  22. 33. A group of game birds :
  23. 34. Brightly colored growths in the throat region:
  24. 35. Heat energy harnessed from within the earth to create electricity:
  25. 36. The solid form of fossil fuels used in factories and for generating electricity
  26. 37. An uncut forest is commonly known as an
  27. 40. Subdivided into wet and dry regions
  28. 43. Fires that burn from top to top of trees or shrubs, sometimes independently of a surface fire: