Natural Resources

  1. 3. originating in a certain region
  2. 4. variety of plants and/or animals occurring in one place
  3. 6. living freely without interference or help from humans
  4. 9. copy in appearance or behavior
  5. 10. something that moves pollen from male parts of a flower to the female parts of a flower
  6. 11. the system of living and non-living components of an environment that interact with each other
  7. 12. an insect eater
  1. 1. newly hatched young that are fundamentally different than the adult
  2. 2. the movement of animals, often on an annual basis according to the easons
  3. 5. occurring naturally and exclusively in a certain region
  4. 7. fill up so that it swells
  5. 8. Adapted to life with humans