Natural resources- ecology

  1. 3. the entire planet
  2. 4. both organisms benefit
  3. 6. all of the living communities
  4. 9. converts energy from the sun into food energy
  5. 11. relating to or resulting from living things, especially in their ecological relations
  6. 16. pollution sources that are diffused without a single point of origin
  7. 17. the organisms in the community that are the same species
  8. 18. made up of different layers and protects the earth
  9. 19. any signle identifiable source of pollution from which polluants are discharged
  1. 1. a number of interconnecting food chains
  2. 2. all the biotic factors in a given area
  3. 5. certain traits that give an adaptive advantage to organisms and they can pass it down to their offspring
  4. 6. the study of the relationship of living things to each other and their environment
  5. 7. one organism(the parasite) benefits while the host does not
  6. 8. the evolution of a biological community's ecological structure
  7. 10. physical rather than biological; not derived from living organisms
  8. 12. animals that depend on plants and other animals for food
  9. 13. when one or more species over populate and affect the environment in a negative way
  10. 14. a climax community or intermediate community is impacted by a disturbance
  11. 15. one organism benefits, one unharmed