  1. 2. an effect on someone or something not involved in an activity
  2. 4. to remove natural resources
  3. 6. balanced pattern or resource use that meets human need and preserves the environment
  4. 8. waste that makes the air, soil or water less clean
  5. 9. saving
  6. 10. materials that cycle naturally through the environment
  7. 11. living materials
  8. 13. non-living materials
  9. 14. materials that are replaceable
  10. 15. materials that CANNOT be replaced in a short period of time
  11. 16. a group of countries that decides how much oil to produce and what price to sell it at
  1. 1. the variety of living things in a region or ecosystem
  2. 3. non renewable resources formed over millions of years from the remains of plants and animals
  3. 5. the loss of forest cover in a region
  4. 7. a useful material found in the environment
  5. 12. over use