Natural Resources

  1. 4. factory that separates crude oil into different products
  2. 7. a non-renewable energy resource formed when the remains of plants and animals are buried quickly
  3. 9. this kind of energy is produced in water dams
  4. 10. solid substance found naturally in earth’s surface, has never been alive
  5. 11. a low-growing crop planted to prevent erosion
  6. 13. a solid, usually black, non-renewable energy resource; can be bituminous, anthracite, or lignite
  7. 14. this forms when sea water freezes
  8. 15. layer of sand, gravel, or bedrock that holds and moves ground water
  9. 16. a radioactive mineral used to produce nuclear energy
  10. 17. soft and easily shaped
  11. 18. a floating ice sheet
  1. 1. a narrow, concentrated area of a specific mineral
  2. 2. liquid rock, used to make gasoline and other products
  3. 3. all of earth’s water found in lakes, oceans, rivers, soil, underground, and in the air
  4. 5. the condition of a resting field that does not have a crop for a season
  5. 6. chemicals produced from oil
  6. 8. the path that recycles water from land to sky and back to land
  7. 11. this kind of energy uses heat from the earth to produce steam
  8. 12. this word means a resource can be replaced by natural means within a person’s lifetime
  9. 19. coming from the sun