Natural Resourses

  1. 3. Is a non-renewable source of energy generated through nuclear reactions which heat water into steam, spinning turbines and harnessing the energy in the process
  2. 4. is used to describe various sources of renewable energy coming from solid and liquid forms of matter
  3. 7. Is a combustible non-renewable energy source composed of sedimentary rock
  4. 10. Is a term used to describe various sources of non-renewable energy formed under the earth’s surface millions of years ago
  5. 11. capable of being renewed.
  1. 1. not able to be renewed.
  2. 2. is primarily used for on-site electricity
  3. 5. Utilizes specialized power cells known as photovoltaic cells which convert sunlight directly into electricity
  4. 6. Is harnessed through the use of spinning turbines erected in windy areas, sending energy to a generator for storage and us
  5. 8. is a combustible non-renewable energy source often found alongside other fossil fuels which formed millions of years ago
  6. 9. Is a renewable and clean-burning energy source derived from various feedstocks which include