Natural Science Chapter 1 Terms

  1. 4. platform: an area of the continent that is filled by sedimentary strata. It also includes igneous and metamorphic rocks
  2. 5. Shelf: the continental shelf is located near are large landmass in a shallow area. The shelf is technically part of the crust of the continent.
  3. 8. Science: name for all sciences that seek to understand earth and space
  4. 10. life-giving gaseous envelope
  5. 12. the outer layer of the earth
  6. 15. dense inner sphere
  7. 16. examines materials that Compose of the earth
  8. 17. A well tested and widely accepted view that best explains scientific observations
  9. 20. basin: deep submarine region that is beyond the continental margin
  10. 22. the largest of the spheres
  11. 24. explanation that is proposed to explain scientific observations
  12. 25. dynamic mass of water that is always moving
  13. 26. rigid outer layer that includes the crust and uppermost mantle
  14. 29. group of interacting parts that work together to form a complex whole
  1. 1. subdivision of the mantle
  2. 2. Shield: large areas of the earth's crust. This is where the mountain building process happens.
  3. 3. Ocean Trench: these are the deepest parts of the seafloor.
  4. 6. System:
  5. 7. Theory: describes the formation of the solar system
  6. 9. the study of the universe
  7. 11. study of ocean
  8. 13. continent is a body of land that has its own continental plate. In the world, there are 7 of these continents: North and South America, Asia, Europe, Antártica, Australia, and Africa.
  9. 14. Rise: an underwater sediment that is located between the slope of the continent and the abyssal plain. This is the final boundary between the deepest part of the oceans and the continents.
  10. 18. the sphere that includes all life on earth
  11. 19. less dense sphere
  12. 21. plain: these are usually located on the deep ocean floor around 10,000 feet below sea level. These plains cover more than 50 percent of the surface.
  13. 23. study of the atmosphere and processes that produce the climate
  14. 27. mid ocean ridge: a mountain chain located on the floor of the ocean. These ridges are formed by the plate tectonics. Most of the time it is near the ocean basin.
  15. 28. method: the method taken to get an answer to a hypothesis