Natural Science revision

  1. 2. The area on earth consisting of rocks.
  2. 4. The part of a cell that controls all activities.
  3. 5. Spiders belong to this class of animals.
  4. 7. Hutchinson-Gilford is what type of genetic disorder?
  5. 8. The number floral parts of a dicotyledon.
  6. 10. What is another name for Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome.
  7. 11. Give the acronym for the abnormality on the 22 chromosome.
  8. 12. The body part where a snails organs are found.
  9. 15. In which climate do animals have a rounded body shape.
  10. 17. Which disease is inherited and causes brain cells to deteriorate?
  11. 19. The root system of a dicotyledon.
  12. 21. This holds the eggs/ovules for the purpose of pollination.
  13. 23. All areas on earth where life exists.
  14. 25. What shape eyes do people with Down Syndrome have?
  15. 27. When a seed begins to grow it is called this.
  16. 34. The second most specific category of classification.
  17. 36. Animals have large thin ears in which climate.
  18. 39. Who developed the classification system we use today?
  19. 41. The base that pairs with guanine.
  20. 42. This is how many legs a crab has.
  21. 43. The top part of the crab.
  22. 44. Cones that produce seeds on their scales.
  23. 46. The acronym for deoxyribonucleic acid.
  24. 47. What are the respiratory organs of the crab?
  25. 49. What is the breathing opening of diplopods called?
  26. 50. This is what the difference in our characteristics are called.
  27. 52. The veins of a monocotyledon leaf look like this.
  28. 53. This is how many legs a crab uses to walk.
  29. 55. The base that pairs with thymine.
  30. 56. What syndrome occurs when there is a XYY chromosome present.
  31. 57. The male part of the flower.
  32. 61. Found under the crab.
  33. 62. Spiders have these types of eyes.
  34. 64. Attracts insects for the purpose of pollinating flowers.
  35. 66. The body covering of a spider.
  1. 1. Which nomenclature system is used for classification.
  2. 3. The area on earth consisting of water.
  3. 6. The area on earth consisting of gases.
  4. 9. The characteristics that are determined by the choices we make.
  5. 13. Having or containing a single cell.
  6. 14. This is how the vascular bundles in the stem of a monocotyledon are arranged.
  7. 16. Plants that have net-veined leaves are called this.
  8. 18. The term for living things.
  9. 20. If snails were to stop producing slime, this would be a consequence.
  10. 22. The term for non-living things.
  11. 24. This is how the vascular bundles in the stem of a dicotyledon are arranged.
  12. 26. A non-flowering plant that has an adventitious root system.
  13. 28. Which syndrome is characterized by low birth weight and abnormally shaped face.
  14. 29. The root system of a monocotyledon.
  15. 30. The broadest category of classification.
  16. 31. An example of a protist.
  17. 32. The characteristics that are passed down to us from our parents.
  18. 33. Protects plants during their budding stage.
  19. 35. Fruit carries these inside of them.
  20. 36. Which body part of the diplopod has the largest segment?
  21. 37. Spiders have this type of lung.
  22. 38. Another name for bacteria.
  23. 40. The sticky part of the flower that catches pollen.
  24. 41. Mammals are mentioned in this category of classification.
  25. 45. The female part of the flower.
  26. 48. This is a sensory organ of a fish that detects movement.
  27. 51. The most specific category of classification.
  28. 54. Animals in cold climates have this under their skin.
  29. 58. Monocotyledon's have flowers in multiples of?
  30. 59. Which cones are small and clustered on high branches.
  31. 60. This holds pollen for the purpose of pollination.
  32. 63. A spider uses this to spin its web.
  33. 64. What type of eyes do crabs have?
  34. 65. Ferns reproduce using these.
  35. 67. The scientific term for having a copy of a chromosome.