Natural Science term 1

  1. 2. We breathe
  2. 5. helps with digestion
  3. 7. Found in Vegetables
  4. 8. Kwashiorkor, starvation of
  5. 11. To test for starch we use...
  6. 12. Making Beer and Bread
  7. 13. Plants tore extra energy in
  8. 16. stop and think twice
  9. 17. Your diet should be..
  10. 18. Pancreas not working
  11. 20. Protect and give heat
  12. 21. Plant making food
  1. 1. sugary carbohydrates
  2. 2. energy rich
  3. 3. Sugar is also known as..
  4. 4. salt, colouring, flavouring
  5. 5. food that have been improved
  6. 6. high in fat, sugars and salt
  7. 9. Proteins _ mucles
  8. 10. Gives me energy.
  9. 14. From raw to edible
  10. 15. Weigh too much
  11. 19. Makes milk go sour
  12. 22. PLants store energy as...