Natural selection

  1. 2. Molecule that carries out the DNA
  2. 4. in an unborn human in early stages.
  3. 8. breeding Process where humans breed 2 things with a desired trait together
  4. 11. mutations Has a negative effect on a organism's overall health
  5. 12. tightly bond of DNA
  6. 13. An error in DNA
  7. 14. engineering High tech process that alters the DNA of an organisms.
  8. 15. structure that are left behind.
  1. 1. therapy When doctors inject healthy DNA to replace a persons damaged DNA.
  2. 3. Selection Process where humans decide what traits they want an organism to have.
  3. 5. A small part of DNA that codes for a special trait
  4. 6. mutations Has an effect on an organisms traits.
  5. 7. Mutation Has a positive effect on an organism's survival
  6. 9. an organ, system, or body part that shared a common part.
  7. 10. characteristics of an person's code.