Natural Selection

  1. 3. Occurs because individuals that are better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  2. 4. If a species can produce more offspring, it can help them survive.
  3. 6. Differences between individuals of the same species
  4. 7. Most of the peppered moths were light colored, but very few were ______.
  5. 9. Using two or more colors to create a matching pattern of habitat
  6. 10. resources like food, space, and mates are limited and can cause this.
  1. 1. Can cause species the adapt when their habitat changes
  2. 2. Thought of the idea of evolution
  3. 5. Occurs when organisms with helpful traits survive to be the parents of the next generation
  4. 8. A species of moth that had to adapt to changing habitats.