Natural Selection

  1. 3. Part of Natural Selection - Populations have small differences.
  2. 6. Part of Natural Selection - Too many are born.
  3. 9. Any Change in a Gene
  4. 10. Pattern of Evolution where species become increasingly different.
  5. 11. Similar finches have different beaks lead Darwin to assume they had a...
  6. 12. Scientist that studied finches to observe how they evolved.
  7. 13. Part of Natural Selection - Surviving organisms reproduce to pass on good traits.
  1. 1. Pattern of Evolution where species become increasingly similar.
  2. 2. Pattern of Evolution where species change with each other.
  3. 4. Part of Natural Selection - Organisms struggle for the same resources.
  4. 5. Process or Trait that makes an organism better suited.
  5. 7. Organisms better suited to the environment will survive and reproduce.
  6. 8. Mutations develop over generations to change a species