Natural Selection

  1. 5. a change or difference in condition, amount, or level, typically with certain limits.
  2. 7. especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
  3. 11. the disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings.
  4. 12. received as an heir at the death of the previous holder.
  1. 1. the action or process of mutating.
  2. 2. pioneer in the field of comparative anatomy.
  3. 3. the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.
  4. 4. is primarily a male name of English origin that means Dear Friend.
  5. 6. the action or process of adapting or being adapted.
  6. 8. process whereby an organism becomes better able to live in its habitat or habitats.
  7. 9. of Evolution someone might claim that indeed these five theories are a logically inseparable package and that Darwin was quite correct in treating them as such.
  8. 10. a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.