Natural Selection

  1. 3. the process through which individuals in a population with certain inherited traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than individuals with less favorable traits in a specific environment
  2. 5. the fraction of the whole
  3. 6. the evolution of two species in response to each other, resulting in reciprocal or “matching” adaptations
  4. 7. the chance that a specific outcome will occur out of a total number of outcomes
  5. 8. an inherited trait evolved through natural selection that makes a population well suited to living and reproducing in its environment
  6. 9. to evolve a trait, through natural selection, that makes a population well suited to surviving and reproducing in its environment
  1. 1. the inherited changes that occur in a population over time
  2. 2. differences in the inherited traits of different individuals
  3. 4. a characteristic of an organism
  4. 7. group of individuals of the same species that live and reproduce in the same place