Natural Selection

  1. 2. to receive genes from a parent
  2. 4. a graph that uses bars to show distribution
  3. 6. a trait that increases chances of survival
  4. 9. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  5. 10. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  6. 12. an animal that is hunted or killed by another for food
  7. 16. a long piece of DNA that leads to a result or change
  8. 17. a way of hiding by looking the same as background
  9. 18. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  10. 19. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  1. 1. to stay alive
  2. 3. a group of the same type of organism
  3. 5. a random change to a gene; introduces a new trait
  4. 7. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  5. 8. the number organisms with each trait in a popluation
  6. 11. a related organism from a previous generation
  7. 12. an animal that hunts and kills others for food
  8. 13. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  9. 14. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  10. 15. a result or change that happens because of an event