Natural Selection

  1. 6. _______ is considered the father of evolution.
  2. 7. A process by which individuals that are better adapted to the enviornment are more likely to survive.
  3. 9. In ________ Selection, only individuals with a desired trait are bred by humans.
  4. 10. Fish die when they don't have enough ______.
  1. 1. The process by which something takes place.
  2. 2. The struggle among living things to get the necessary amount of food, water, and shelter.
  3. 3. Three factors that affect natural selection are overproduction, __________, and competition.
  4. 4. Natural selection happens in _______.
  5. 5. Darwin bread _______ with large fan-shaped tails.
  6. 8. Darwin wrote a book called The _______ of Species.