  1. 2. any movement of people, either temporary or permanent, from one place to another
  2. 5. a mistake or a change in a living thing's DNA
  3. 7. breeding-choosing parents with particular characteristics to breed together and produce offspring with more desirable characteristics
  4. 9. the number of people living in a certain place
  5. 10. special body parts or behaviors that help a living thing survive in an environment
  6. 11. a group of similar organisms that are able to reproduce
  7. 12. carries water from the roots to all parts of the tree or plant
  1. 1. underground masses of food storage from which plants growunderground masses of food storage from which plants grow
  2. 3. a group of people born and living during the same time
  3. 4. differences in genes between individuals or groups of individuals
  4. 6. animals-ones that can be raised or petted by humans and live close to them
  5. 8. selection- the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change