  1. 6. pattern of change ultimately can lead to extinction.
  2. 7. evolution of similar features in unrelated organisms as adaptations to similar lifestyles, such as wings in birds and bats.
  3. 8. Evolution- The view that evolution proceeds by small, cumulative steps over long periods of time rather that abrupt, major times.
  4. 10. relating to a body part that has become small or lost its use because of an evolutionary change.
  5. 11. evolution in the fossil record, long periods of little change in lineages interspersed with brief periods of relatively rapid change.
  6. 14. evolution of dissimilar features in closely related organisms as adaption to dissimilar lifestyles. (if a species has a broad distribution and adapts to various ecological conditions, divergence takes place)
  7. 15. formation of new biological species through the process of evolution.
  8. 19. the adaptive evolution of superficially similar structures, such as the wings of birds and insects.
  9. 20. adjustment in habits or structure by means of natural selection
  10. 21. selection- Population that reduces variation because birth weights are average.
  11. 22. a structural adaptation that enables on species to resemble another.
  12. 23. direct descent from a particular ancestor; ancestry.
  1. 1. enables species to blend with their surroundings.
  2. 2. Process or act of no longer existing or living.
  3. 3. population selection change that eliminates averages because two extremes are favored.
  4. 4. selection- Favors one phenotype.
  5. 5. Islands of Darwin’s study.
  6. 9. evolution of a number of divergent species from a common ancestor, each species becoming adapted to occupy a different environment.
  7. 12. structure that compared with another has the same function, but different origin, such as the human eye and the eye of an octopus. May imply convergence.
  8. 13. a structure similar in structure and evolutionary origin, though not necessarily in function, such as flippers of a seal and the hands of a human.
  9. 16. adaptations some animal and plants become resistant to chemicals that previously killed them.
  10. 17. change or adjustment in structure or habits by which a species become better able too function in its environment. Occurs through the course of evolution by means of natural selection.
  11. 18. body part that its use due to evolutionary change