Natural Selection Crossword

  1. 2. more individuals are born than survive to reproduce
  2. 5. individuals of a species vary within a generation
  3. 6. individuals with characteristics that are best suited to the environment is also known as 'survival of the .......'
  4. 7. the first name of the man who contributed to the theory of evolution
  5. 8. refers to the formation of new species
  6. 10. who individuals pass their variations to
  7. 12. whereby an organism has characteristics enabling it to survive under current environmental conditions. It will then pass these characteristics to its offspring
  8. 16. something that carries the information that determines your traits that are passed on to you from your parents
  9. 17. refers to the variety of living things
  10. 19. the gradual change of organisms into new species over a long period of time due to the process of natural selection from a common ancestor
  1. 1. required for new species to form
  2. 2. when the environment may be changed greatly through the activits of organisms, resulting in long term changes in the ecosystem
  3. 3. a group of the same species living in an area together
  4. 4. if an environmental change occurs those organisms with these variations will survive
  5. 9. the surname of the man who contributed to the theory of evolution
  6. 11. how individuals pass on their characteristics
  7. 13. a variation that an organism has that helps it to survive in a particular environment
  8. 14. when an organism no longer exists
  9. 15. a type of variation that occurs in a species
  10. 18. when changed populations may not be able to interbreed with other populations so species ......