Natural Selection Homework

  1. 3. A group of organisms of the same species, living in one specific area at one time
  2. 5. Occurs when phenotypes in the middle of the range are selected against
  3. 6. Occurs when phenotypes at both extremes of the phenotypic distribution are selected against
  4. 7. Traits than an entire population has because they help them better fit in their environment
  5. 9. Occurs when one of two extreme phenotypes is selected for
  6. 11. When populations grow exponentially, with the species producing more individuals than an environment's resources can support
  7. 12. This is caused by random mutations that create differences in organisms
  8. 16. Type of adaptation that is an action the organism chooses to do
  9. 17. When an individual gets used to their environment and changes their behavior to get more comfortable
  10. 18. The emergence of new species (usually one splitting into two)
  1. 1. The changing of organisms over time
  2. 2. Type of adaptation that is a certain feature or shape of the body
  3. 4. Organisms with traits that allow them to survive and reproduce pass on their genes
  4. 8. An organism’s ability to survive and reproduce
  5. 10. Occurs when organisms must fight to survive because resources or mates become scarce
  6. 13. Type of adaptation where a special function is enacted by part of the body
  7. 14. External agents which affect an organism’s ability to survive in a given environment
  8. 15. Traveled to the Galapagos Islands and founded the theory of evolution