Natural Selection I

  1. 2. characteristic that all members of species have
  2. 6. living things
  3. 7. all of the cardinals in wayne, nj
  4. 8. organism produced as a result of reproduction
  5. 10. hunted or killed for food
  6. 13. number of individuals with each trait
  7. 14. trait making survival less likely
  8. 15. what might happen based on what you know
  9. 17. used to show how characteristics are distributed
  10. 18. organsims of the same kind that can reproduce
  1. 1. living and nonliving things surrounding an org
  2. 3. related organism from a previous generation
  3. 4. trait that makes survival more likely
  4. 5. individuals living at the same time
  5. 9. hunts another animal for food
  6. 11. a specific characteristic such as blue coloring
  7. 12. the difference in traits between individuals
  8. 16. leads to a result or change